Easter with the Summit

Serve Internationally

Serve internationally with the Summit through a short-term trip or committing to be part of an international church plant

We want to send every member—to our neighborhoods and to the nations. Everyone at the Summit can be a part of making disciples of all nations, whether through praying, giving, or going. How is God sending you?

Go on a Short-term Trip

We love because Christ first loved us. And we go in the same Spirit that Christ came to us, making disciples of all nations. Apply to go on one of our short-term trips so you can see first-hand how God is answering our prayers to bring the nations to himself.

Upcoming Trips

Become a Long-term Missionary

We define a long-term missionary as someone who commits to two years or more of any international ministry assignment, whether they are fully funded by a sending organization, going through a sending organization but raising their own funding, or using their job, education, or retirement to serve on a church planting team. If you feel the Lord may be calling you to serve as a long-term missionary, or you’d like to ask questions, we'd love to connect with you.

Contact Us Policies

Pray for Church Planters and Missionaries

We often say that if our missionaries are going to dangle on the end of a rope on the other side of the world, then we are responsible for holding the other end. Support our overseas missionaries by praying for their specific requests.

Give to a Short-term Trip

Support our missionaries by giving to a specific short-term trip fund so that we can send a team of believers to visit and encourage them in their ministry overseas.

Give Now


Sending Resources

The Summit Encourager Network Team (SENT), comprised of lay members at the Summit, complements existing staff efforts in missionary care and increases the amount and type of field worker care given. The team helps prepare, refuel, and re-acclimate field workers in order to proclaim the Gospel most effectively to all nations through:

  • Prayer intercession.
  • Participation in ICP cohort as coaches and mentors.
  • Intentional field visits.
  • Re-entry support.

Intentional prayer intercession, as well as face-to-face visits planned and conducted by small teams or individuals (“Encouragers”) from the States can provide valuable refreshment, affirmation, and care.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer member of the SENT network please contact Matt Clark, Pastor of Missionary Care.

Learn more about what the Bible says about going to the nations and how you can be part of God's mission to bring the gospel to all people.

Sent Sermon Series Sam James David Platt

Learn more about the sending strategy of The Summit Church, which was compiled in consultation with other churches that have the opportunity to send hundreds of individuals to serve as missionaries in unreached people groups.

Long-term Sending Resources

Support our overseas church planters and missionaries by praying for their specific requests.

Pray Now