Easter with the Summit

How Will You Steward Your Stimulus Check?

Jan 27, 2021

In an effort to mitigate the hardships many Americans are facing because of COVID-19, the federal government began issuing stimulus checks in April 2020 to those who qualified, and sent a second stimulus check in January 2021.

Some of us will now be able to pay our rent or mortgage, or provide food and other essential items for our families. Some of us will save those funds for future needs or emergencies. Some of us will splurge or treat ourselves with the unexpected income.

Followers of Jesus all across America have an amazing opportunity in this season to leverage their stimulus checks to be conduits of blessing.

While most of us want to be generous, the reality is that we will never feel like we have enough in the bank to be generous.

But the Lord calls us to trust him with our future and have confidence that he will provide everything we need when we seek his kingdom first. (Matthew 6:25-34) Scripture also teaches that we will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, and that our generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11) We are not just called to be generous in our abundance, but also in times of scarcity.

For those in Christ, my encouragement is to simply ask God in prayer what he’s calling you to do with your stimulus check and then be obedient to him. If you’re not sure what he’s calling you to do, then why not wait before taking action on your own?

I pray this exercise grows your faith in the Lord and reminds you that he will never leave you or forsake you. After all, it is more blessed to give than receive! (Acts 20:35)