Easter with the Summit

You Can’t Out-Give God—He Wins Every Time

Dec 13, 2019

“You’re not going to win.”

Summit member Eric knows that will be the outcome every time you try to out-give God.

Eric and his wife Sherri, who attend Summit’s Alamance County campus, have experienced this firsthand.

Their Summit journey in generosity began as members of another church participating in a study of Pastor J.D.’s book, Gospel. After learning that J.D. and Summit were local, they began attending the North Raleigh campus, joined the church and ended up moving to the Alamance campus after building a house in the area.

Eric and Sherri have tithed throughout their marriage. They participated in Financial Peace University through their previous church, learning that they are merely stewards of God’s resources.

“It’s amazing to see how much our life has changed from when we first got married, going through Financial Peace, and how that changed how we look at everything in our life, not just finances,” Sherri said.

During the season of “Multiply” in 2015-2017, Eric believed God gave him a dream to feed 100 kids in Haiti. The couple had a heart for the nation after a mission trip in 2010. They had no idea how it would come about, but they knew God wouldn’t give them something He would not help them accomplish.

“First” solidified this commitment for them. Eric and Sherri weren’t sure how they were going to increase their giving to the church while continuing to support children in Haiti, but they knew they couldn’t out-give God.

In the months following their “First” commitment, Sherri received a job promotion, but additionally, a few months after that, Sherri learned that she was going to receive a salary increase. Turns out, that increase would exactly match their annual First commitment.

Eric and Sherri started out by supporting three kids in Haiti and are now up to 24. All while increasing the percentage they were giving to Summit.

“We doubted that if we stepped out that God would put the floor underneath us, but He has,” Eric said. “He has blessed us in ways we couldn’t have even imagined. He will follow through, just like He promises.”

Eric and Sherri want to encourage their church family and reiterated that you can’t out-give God.

“There’s nothing special about either one of us,” Eric said. “We put our ‘yes’ on the table. It’s a testimony to God. We’re just doing what God asks everybody to do.”