Easter with the Summit

Durham Neighborhood Sees Impact of Summit Member’s Faithfulness

Jul 24, 2019

Lou Brogden has worked with children all her life. She loves their bright smiles and big hugs. As a music minister and a teacher for many years, she has always had the same aim: for children to know how much they are loved by God. 

A native of Durham, Lou has attended the Summit for 15 years and has always been involved in serving and local outreach. She serves with pre-K classes in Summit Kids at the North Durham campus. And about 14 years ago, she started Kids Club at Oxford Manor, an under-resourced housing community in Durham.

Every Saturday, Lou packs up her car with breakfast items and games for Kids Club. When she gets to the community center, kids run up to her car to give her hugs and help her unload the groceries. She always pauses to pray before the kids are served breakfast. They are allowed to eat as much as they want because this is sometimes the only meal they get between the end of school on Friday and Monday morning.

“It’s hard to talk about spiritual things when you are hungry,” said Lou.

After the children eat, they play games indoors and outside with the volunteers, and then they have a Bible lesson. Once all the kids have gone home, volunteers pray for the children and for one another.

Lou said one of her big goals for Kids Club is consistency and love in the children's lives.

“It is a place of peace. It is a place of safety for the children,” said Lou.

Last year during ServeRDU week, Lou had 12 volunteers help out one Saturday at Kids Club. The next week, six of them came back. Lou said these new volunteers have been amazing for the ministry, allowing them to do events like block parties and build more relationships with the kids.

She explained that serving is key to advancing the gospel.

“It’s the Great Commission. Serving is just part of being a Christian,” said Lou.

Lou regularly sees adults who went to Kids Club years ago. Recently, two young men came up to her to give her a hug. Both had been to Kids Club—one was graduating from high school and one was starting his own business.

She said she sees God working all the time in this ministry despite the challenges along the way.

“These kids are worth it.”

ServeRDU week is coming up soon! You can sign up for service opportunities and see other events at serverdu.com.

To volunteer with Kids Club at Oxford Manor during ServeRDU week, sign up here.