I started going to the Summit a little over two years ago and really got involved right about when Multiply was starting. I was fresh out of college, just started my career, and was a little nervous about pledging money, but I prayed and knew God would provide a means to meet the goal he put on my heart.
I got pretty discouraged in meeting my pledge last summer. I had just paid off my college debt and was completely debt free when I got in an accident and my car was totaled. Since I live far from home, I wanted to get a reliable car and ended up with a car loan. And there I was, back to square 1 with debt again. I was overwhelmed when I realized I bought my car for the exact amount that I pledged for Multiply. But, I continued to make giving a priority and knew I had a few years to pay off my car, but only one more year to meet my Multiply goal.
With lots of prayer and by following Dave Ramsey's plan to pay off debt, I was actually able to pay off my car this past summer. So I was debt free again.

I was recently sharing with my roommate how God has provided a means for me to pay off my car that I had bought nine months prior and still give generously, and she was so surprised, almost to disbelief. She said, "Leah, that makes no sense. I know how much we make, and those numbers don't even add up." I agreed with her—it doesn't add up, but God is bigger than numbers, and his riches go beyond all understanding.
Later, I was doing some budgeting and wanted to see how far I had to go to reach my Multiply goal. I was surprised to find out that I have not only reached my goal—I have surpassed it! Praise God!
When I realized this, tears started running down my face because of the overflowing blessings God has provided for me through the Summit. I have grown so much in my faith over the last two years. The Summit Church
is my family. I live over 500 miles away from anyone in my actual family. My small group has some of my best friends here, and volunteering with Summit Students is such a joy! It's so rewarding to see the next generation grow up in Christ!
I'm sure this is just one of many, many stories exemplifying how God always provides, and I hope you are encouraged as much as I am.
By Leah Steele