Easter with the Summit


As servants, disciples of Jesus gladly give of themselves for the good of others.

Be a Servant

Every Christian is encouraged to live the way Jesus lived, to adopt his temperament and his approach to relationships. Though Jesus is the very Son of God, he did not come to earth to be served by humankind. Instead, he came to serve others and consistently put the interests and needs of others above his own. Disciples of Jesus gladly give of themselves for the good of others. The Holy Spirit even supplies each of us with specific spiritual gifts that we can use for building up the body of Christ and our surrounding community.

Daily Prayer

“Jesus, thank you for taking on the form of a servant—in your earthly life, and even in your death. By your Spirit, fill me with humility and compassion for those around me, that I might love others well and joyfully serve those around me for your glory.”

Discover Your Design.

Each local church can be described like the human body—one body with many parts. Just like each member of the human body fulfills a distinct function that contributes toward the health of the whole body, every member in the church has been given a specific combination of passions and abilities. God supplies each Christian with these spiritual gifts that contribute in specific ways to the church’s mission to make disciples for God’s glory. If you would like greater clarity about how God has designed and shaped you, take a spiritual gifts assessment or speak with one of our elders or ministry leaders.

Serve our Church.

One first step as a servant is to start serving others in our church family. The Summit offers many opportunities to serve on the weekend: guest services, Summit Kids, Summit Students, Summit Worship, production, and prayer are just a few. We also have opportunities to serve during the week. Explore a serving opportunity at your campus.

Serve our Community

Followers of Jesus embody a lifestyle of serving others, which expands beyond the church and certainly includes serving all people. Our church has already identified opportunities to serve within our communities, including partnerships with local schools and ministries throughout our city. Learn more about what it means to truly love our neighbors and how to serve others in our communities.

Read the Bible.

The Bible is God’s Word. It is the primary way God speaks to us. A daily habit of Bible reading enables us to worship God, commune with him, and obey his commands.

John 13:1–38; Ephesians 4:11–16, Ephesians 5:1–2, Ephesians 5:25–32; and Philippians 2:1–11. See also Joshua 22:5; Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Mark 10:35–45; Luke 10:25–37; Romans 12:3–8; 1 Corinthians 4:1–2, 1 Corinthians 9:19, 1 Corinthians 12:1–31; 2 Corinthians 4:5; Galatians 1:10; Colossians 3:23–24; and 1 Peter 4:8–11.

Bible Reading

The Whole Disciple

As a whole disciple, you embody several identities at once—family member, worshiper, servant, steward, and witness—and they influence every area of your life. At the Summit, we want to help you live out these identities through core discipleship activities—ongoing, lifelong tools that God uses to shape you into Christlikeness.