Easter with the Summit


As witnesses, disciples of Jesus strive to proclaim Christ in word and deed.

Be a Witness

Jesus describes his followers as his witnesses (Acts 1:8). Being a witness means that we are ready and willing to articulate who God is and how God has changed us. Witnesses are messengers who actively seek to pass on the life-changing message of the gospel to others. Living as a witness involves learning how to approach each day with purpose and intentionality to advance the church’s mission to make disciples for God’s glory. In this sense, disciples of Jesus strive to proclaim Christ in word and deed.

Daily Prayer

“Jesus, I believe that all authority has been given to you, and I want to embrace the identity you’ve given me to be a witness for you. Let me grow in wisdom and in boldness, so that I may discern how to lovingly tell others about you. Give me new friendships and an abundance of opportunities to share Christ in word and deed.”

Who's Your One?

Proclaiming Christ in word and deed can feel intimidating at times. A first step as witnesses is to identify one person to be our focus for spiritual conversations about the gospel. At the Summit, we like to refer to these prioritized relationships as our One—the one person that we want to see come to faith in Christ in this season. For more training on identifying your One and what to do with that friendship, check out our Who’s Your One? Evangelism Training.


Some disciples shy away from opportunities to speak about Jesus because they are unsure of how to talk about God. We gain confidence as witnesses by sharing Jesus early and often. So, set aside some time to learn more about strategies for having spiritual conversations, and put those strategies into practice. For example, practice the bridge method of sharing the gospel and learn how to tell your testimony of what God has done in your life.

Learn How God is Moving

Jesus instructs his followers to take the good news of the gospel everywhere—to all nations, ethnicities, and languages. At the Summit, we believe the church’s mission to make disciples involves sharing the gospel locally, nationally, and internationally. We are also prayerfully pursuing a God-sized goal to plant a thousand new churches in our generation. Learn more about opportunities to be a witness in your community, in North American churches, or in our international church planting efforts.

Read the Bible.

The Bible is God’s Word. It is the primary way God speaks to us. A daily habit of Bible reading enables us to worship God, commune with him, and obey his commands.

Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:8; and Romans 10:14–17. See also Psalm 105:1–2, Isaiah 12:3–6; Matthew 5:15–16; Acts 17:1–34; Romans 1:16–17; 1 Corinthians 9:19–23; 1 Corinthians 15:1–6; 2 Corinthians 10:5; and 1 Peter 2:9–10, 1 Peter 3:15

Bible Reading

The Whole Disciple

As a whole disciple, you embody several identities at once—family member, worshiper, servant, steward, and witness—and they influence every area of your life. At the Summit, we want to help you live out these identities through core discipleship activities—ongoing, lifelong tools that God uses to shape you into Christlikeness.